Countess Dorota's Opinion on the Upper East Side


June 7, 2009
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  1. She is BFF with Hazel Williams.
  2. Her first name is greek and the name of Ulysses’ long alone wife
  3. Her last name is hebrew and means “horns”
  4. She summerschools at the Sorbonne (according to S01E15).
  5. She graduates from the Constance Billard School for Girls in 2009.
  6. She has a “historical crush on Nate since the 20th century” (Elise in S01E14).
  7. In “02E16 she talks about her “first time” not beeing as she wished.
  8. In ninth grade, a Danish exchange student made out with her junior prom date, and she poured chemical hairdissolver (called “Nairtini”) on the exchange student’s head, according to Chuck in “02E04.
  9. She has an affair with the partner of her father (according to Nelly in S02E14 and Gossip Girl in S02E25).
  10. She seems to lead the Mean Girls when Blair is not available. In S01E13 she tells Blair that she isn’t queen bee anymore. In S02E14 she leads the girls in harassing Nelly. In S02E25 she is about to crown new queen Emma.

Dorotas Opinion: Penelope doesn’t matter. If not even easy Nate notices her, why should Dorota.